Thursday, September 9, 2010


Email to my Fiction writing teacher:

I won't be in class today. I'm having a crazy allergy flare-up and they just fit me in at the doctor's. I will get notes/an overview from a classmate. I noticed we have a prompt due for tuesday over death and dying. Are there any particular parameters I should be mindful of?

Thanks so much,
Paige Berry

her response:

Hi Paige,

The death and dying scene should be a one page scene in which someone dies, and it's due today, but you can bring it for Tuesday.


Awesome. I work every day this week and have no time for the 10 or more hours of homework I have for the weekend. Even more behind, even less sleep.No social life. Still feeling like design has completely escaped me. I'm going to drop out and work at In-N-Out. At least then I'll be out west.


  1. You should design a shirt that says, "F Godiva". It would be really classy, and might make us feel better.
