Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I want to say goodbye to graphic design and never look back.

Monday, February 22, 2010


I love the way dry erase markers


Hash browns are actually hash whites unless you use oil to cook them, which I learned today when I used butter instead. Micah said they were "edible." This is why I stick to cookies and cakes and such. This whole story makes me look even worse when I reveal that these were pre-packaged frozen hash browns that actually require little to no effort.

On a side note, my hands look literally diseased from all the ink stains due to excessive last-minute printmaking. Did I mention these inks are carcinogenic? And yet...I can't bring myself to use gloves. This is what we call extreme laziness.

Happy Monday.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

a wilco day.

"My blessings get so blurred at the sound of your words"

bagel catastrophe pt 2

Why I hate the new people at Einstein's:

Me:"I'd like a chocolate chip with strawberry and a skinny chai"

Emily, the new girl:"We're out of strawberry"

Me:"Oh...ok honey almond then"

new bagel guy: "Chocolate chip with strawberry on the side"

Me:"No, honey almond"

new bagel guy:"Chocolate chip with strawberry on the side"

Me:"No, honey almond..."

new bagel guy:"Chocolate chip with honey almond on the side"

Me:"No I want it on it"

new bagel guy:"Oh you want the cream cheese ON it?"


five minutes later....and after checking my receipt, which does not have the skinny chai on it.....

"I also asked for a skinny chai"

Emilythenewgirl just looks at me and smiles....and offers to do nothing about it.

"Ok, then. Don't worry about it...I'll survive"


At 8 am my fragile state of mind cant take anything like this. I almost cried.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


We have matching toothbrushes. They don't actually match, but they sit side by side like they go together. His is blue and mine is pink. After crying all I can do is just stare at them. Everything takes on some kind of meaning for me. I don't know that it's healthy, but I don't know that I care much either way.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lily Allen

"What the fuck do you know? Just 'cuz you're old you think you're wise."


I lost my paint chip which was the basis for my entire sequence of design projects for the next few weeks....and then I found it and you would've thought I'd won the lottery. This, my extreme lack of sleep and irritability, and my desperate need for a shower, are indicative of my future as a designer.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


My intense need to study people prevents me from studying Spanish 212(in which I have an exam next period). Micah gets annoyed when I say "hi" to everyone I know on campus, but it gives me this secret kind of joy. I think that's what I'm waiting for when I go to the library. I need to somehow know something about each person.