Saturday, January 29, 2011

the shush finger

Yesterday in Drawing 1, which is quickly becoming my least favorite 9 hours/wk of my life, I walked in to find my TA setting up another still life. Like the other million days we have done still lives, a feeling of hate and dread consumes me, but I remember that last time she told us that today we are doing some fast drawings. I like fast drawings. Why? Because unlike the other three effing hour drawings they are....well, fast. So I said to her, "Did you say that we'd be doing some gesture drawings today?" And what does she do?


If there is one thing that is in my top 10 of things that make me filled with rage, it is sassy people giving me sass for no reason. Now, let me go on to explain that the shush finger is not the finger to mouth action you got when you were 5 , but it is one finger held away from the body as a nonverbal interruption. This very mean-girls esque move is sassy as shit. And I cannot have it. It reminded me of the time in my freshman intro art class that I got trapped in a circle of desks when the class was rearranging them and without rhyme or reason(unless pure bitch is a reason) my teacher sees my frustration and says "SOMEBODY HAS TOO MUCH ESTROGEN TODAY"

Now back then I reacted to her unwarranted attack with angsty tears in the stairwell and further musings on why the world hated my 18 year old self. In this current and comparable instance, however, I almost shoved my chalk pastel through her cornea.I hate chalk pastels almost as much as the shush finger. And we draw with them

Now what did she say to the class five minutes later after she had finished setting up the god forsaken conglomeration of fake legs and christmas tinsel? "So,class, today we are going to do some gesture drawings"

I need to

Friday, January 28, 2011

24 hours

I have managed to have myself an eventful 24 hours. Well, minus the boring 6 hours in class....excluding the interesting 10 minutes that I made a playdough dinosaur in front of my teacher. No wonder Lisa doesn't believe me when I tell her I'm "getting on" her logo... So last night was Animal Hour at The Hill. So that was my first stop. Then for the first time ever I went to Urban Bar with Drew and Micah. I was expecting it to be super hipstery, and in some respects it was, which was awesome for the people watcher in me. I ran into some design friends there and a few of them had an extra shot(how this happens I do't know but I don't question things like that) that they gave to me. Then the bartender totally had my number and talked me into trying Woodchuck Pear. The girl next to me told me it tasted like laundry detergent, but she was oh so very wrong. It was like drinking flower flavored water. Which was obviously good and bad for me. THE BEST PART of the night(notice I put that in caps for those who are really bored with the lengthy nothingness that is this post) was when the rose guy that walks around downtown selling roses, walked up to me on bended knee, handed me a white rose, and said "If God were a woman, he'd be a redhead" and walked away. It was like Christmas all over again. I've always wanted a guy to buy me a rose from the rose guy, but getting one FROM the rose man for free was so much better. Also I'm pretty sure he said I was Yeah, I don't actually remember the details of closing my in all I'd call it a good night. This morning Micah took me to McD's and I had the greasiest most delicious breakfast ever. It is a sunny and lovely outside and I still smell like cigarettes. I think it will be a good day.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

today in design

working hard.


When discussing sex bracelets in design class today:

me: I think I started wearing them after all the moms got pissed because their kids were wearing bracelets that meant sexual things. I just wore them to wear them.
tommi:moms are dumb.
brooke: moms start drama
me:mama drama
brooke: baby mama drama

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The rate at which everyone around me is becoming either married or engaged disturbs me a little. Many things, like oh....the vast amounts growing up to be done...experiencing the joy of youth....seem to be a higher priority for me. Also my bank account has six dollars in it. That my mother gave to me. I think that instantly disqualifies me for sharing a life/financial burden with anyone.

lyrics for a day like this

Come pick me up
Take me out
Fuck me up
Steal my records
Screw all my friends
They’re all full of shit
With a smile on your face
And then do it again

the silent treatment

is awesome.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

a weird time

I believe I have found myself in crisis. The indicators of such are a general mistrust of most people, a disdain for the fickle nature of friendships, shame in being a member of a wasteful and selfish population, and disinterest in the superficial offerings of higher education,my chosen vocation, and the social infrastructure associated with each. The helplessness I feel stems from a lack of solution and a feeling of complete isolation. The bitterness I harbor is a result of betrayal. For the first time in my life, I have absolutely no direction.

Friday, January 21, 2011

don't cry, don't raise your eye



!@#$ i love this song.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

if i spend all my time on ffffound i wont have to do anything else

say it

You know what's a funny word? Hermit. I just called myself a budding hermit in an angsty moment of facebook status updating. In the midst of my determination to be cranky and cynical, I actually laughed, because saying "hermit" out loud sounds so funny if you do it a few times. Hermit. HERmit. HerMIT. herrrrrrmit. Say it like Kermit the frog and it's funnier.

Yes, my blog posts are getting lamer. And so is my life( more angst)


Friday, January 14, 2011

a quote to live by

"Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish, and someday, you will be a real boy."
-The Blue Fairy, Pinnochio

questionairre for design 405-web design

1.last book I read: Go Ask Alice was the last full book, but I'm slowly making my way through The Best American Short Stories 2010

2.last film I saw in theater: Black Swan

3.favorite song right now and why: Evening Kitchen by Band of Horses, because I spend too much time thinking about the past. And because I fucking love Band of Horses. I enjoy playing: Word games like Apples to Apples, Taboo

5.what I hope to gain from this class: A better understanding of what it means to offer/receive an experience and how to better move forward with the understanding that experience gives

6.why I engage in artistic pursuits: I am addicted to what it means to be human. Art seems like such a broad and open platform to explore that idea.

7. what I do in my off time: off time? what's that? haha.
Buy a bunch of old records that I think I will listen to to try to keep up with the hipsters but end up with a pile of dusty records and like 5 I actually listen to. That's been a lot of what I do recently(I do truly love vintage/thrift stores). I like the prospects of being able to drink in public, something I knew little of until a few months ago-so finding/taking of advantage of good drink specials. Trying to read before ADD takes over. I spend a lot of time talking to myself(this is mostly an inner dialogue on good days) and other people. I love talking. I might do it too much. There is a sign in my grandmother's kitchen that my grandfather had wood-engraved that says something like " If you're talkin' you ain't learnin' Which I guess is partially true.

8.what I am nervous about going into this class: You seem to have high expectations, which is awesome, but of course intimidating from my point of view. and...CODING. I know ZIP about web design. Really. Ok, well I could make a myspace page look really snazzy in my time. Those line breaks I put in my "about me" were really stunning.

9. my definition of an interface:I  honestly don't think I can give a definition that isn't influenced by our discussion today. I'm not really sure I could have told you this morning before we discussed it, either. From what I learned,an interface is an experience based on feedback. It is data you react with.

10. best moment as a student of the arts: Passing portfolio. I guess that's sort of obvious, but having spent a lot of time wondering "When will I be a REAL artist" (and asking many people about when they felt this was true for them), it felt like a huge step in the right direction. During that same semester, a non-design teacher who finished her MFA and was moving on to other places, sent me an email that basically said she considered me a colleague and had been privileged to have me as a student. That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me, and having that validation would have carried me had I not passed.

11.meaning of abstraction: a manipulation or alternative perception of what is real or concrete

12.questions you should have asked: Does Einsteins actually put crack in their bagels? I would like to know the answer to this as well but I'm pretty sure it's a yes.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

name calling

There is no greater satisfaction than changing a contact name in your phone to something profane after someone pisses you off.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


When I started gravitating toward vinyl, I began digging through my mom's old 45's. She picked this one up and her face changed entirely. She played it for me and I understood why.

At Seventeen by Janis Ian


love love love.

Friday, January 7, 2011

flip flopper

How is it one day I can hate design and the next it's all I want to do? Right now it's the latter. Do you ever feel this way about your passion?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


micah: what did you stay up so late for last night?
me: redesigning my blog layout.
micah: oh yeah I saw that, looks good.
me: it's weird to me that you read my blog. so did you catch up on the older posts?
me: did you think the hipster tattoos one was funny?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

VS semi annual sale

I think I tried on 20 bras today. Two painful hours later(I had to get re-measured/re try-on), I decided to go for the 5 for 25 panties. In some ways, this is the story of my life.

Also, I got a Judy Collins record today for 2 dollars.It had "Suzanne" on it, so I am pretty happy about it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

the ghost in my bedroom

For over a week now, when I wake up there is a sizeable pile of what appears to be plaster dust on and around the left side of my pillow. I'd like to attribute it to the tiny crack above my bed, but the proxemity of the dust to the crack isn't logical.I have always had ghosts trying to make me shit my pants by being annoying/creepy, but this is just retarded. Don't they know I have asthma?! dear retarded ghost, you suck. please stop.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

shiii finna pop off

thank you, Sara, for this beautiful gem. thank you so very much.

stupid hipster tattoos

me:also his tattoos are super stupid
sara:i mean hes a hipster they cant make any sense
me:thats true
thats why im going to go get a pretzel tattooed on my eyelids tomorrow
sara:ill get a twizzler going up my shin
me:i like it
sara:maybe on my forarm
me:very anti establishment
nothing says fuck the man like red licorice ive always said
me:with the pretzel i was really trying to make a comment on post modern garage band subculture and their seeming disappearance from the current music trends
i hope you got that
bc otherwise im going to have to go for the carrot stick on my middle finger
its a bit more direct
sara:how about both?
me:wow.edgy.over the top.
i like it.
sara:oh yeahhhhh
i think ill get a ball of yarn on my shoulder
me:that really says mid 90s neo feminist. I totally get that.
wow.just, wow.
sara:exactly what i was going for


If I loved Midlake any more I might burst.

check these guys out

love itt