Sunday, January 2, 2011

stupid hipster tattoos

me:also his tattoos are super stupid
sara:i mean hes a hipster they cant make any sense
me:thats true
thats why im going to go get a pretzel tattooed on my eyelids tomorrow
sara:ill get a twizzler going up my shin
me:i like it
sara:maybe on my forarm
me:very anti establishment
nothing says fuck the man like red licorice ive always said
me:with the pretzel i was really trying to make a comment on post modern garage band subculture and their seeming disappearance from the current music trends
i hope you got that
bc otherwise im going to have to go for the carrot stick on my middle finger
its a bit more direct
sara:how about both?
me:wow.edgy.over the top.
i like it.
sara:oh yeahhhhh
i think ill get a ball of yarn on my shoulder
me:that really says mid 90s neo feminist. I totally get that.
wow.just, wow.
sara:exactly what i was going for

1 comment:

  1. I found this when I googled "stupid hipster tattoos". It made me laugh so hard.

    :D Thank you.
