Yesterday in Drawing 1, which is quickly becoming my least favorite 9 hours/wk of my life, I walked in to find my TA setting up another still life. Like the other million days we have done still lives, a feeling of hate and dread consumes me, but I remember that last time she told us that today we are doing some fast drawings. I like fast drawings. Why? Because unlike the other three effing hour drawings they are....well, fast. So I said to her, "Did you say that we'd be doing some gesture drawings today?" And what does she do?
If there is one thing that is in my top 10 of things that make me filled with rage, it is sassy people giving me sass for no reason. Now, let me go on to explain that the shush finger is not the finger to mouth action you got when you were 5 , but it is one finger held away from the body as a nonverbal interruption. This very mean-girls esque move is sassy as shit. And I cannot have it. It reminded me of the time in my freshman intro art class that I got trapped in a circle of desks when the class was rearranging them and without rhyme or reason(unless pure bitch is a reason) my teacher sees my frustration and says "SOMEBODY HAS TOO MUCH ESTROGEN TODAY"
Now back then I reacted to her unwarranted attack with angsty tears in the stairwell and further musings on why the world hated my 18 year old self. In this current and comparable instance, however, I almost shoved my chalk pastel through her cornea.I hate chalk pastels almost as much as the shush finger. And we draw with them
Now what did she say to the class five minutes later after she had finished setting up the god forsaken conglomeration of fake legs and christmas tinsel? "So,class, today we are going to do some gesture drawings"
I need to
all I have to say is--Art Education--not bitter at all. no no.