Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ice Dancer

So, it's official. I signed up for fall ice dancing lessons. AND Stroking(basically like cardio on ice--basically I'm going to die). I'm truthfully really afraid of it for a couple of reasons--the bullies, for one. Yes, there are bullies at the ice rink. And yes, I get scared of bullies, having been tortured by them in middle/high school. Secondly, there are my poor, poor dilapidated knees. The cartilage, or lack thereof, begs me not to put them through this again....But. All of this can't outweigh how excited I am.  I feel like I'm doing something really good for me--physically, and emotionally. Skating is really sort of peculiar. I think one of the reasons I've always struggled with it/ held a place for it in my heart is it is a lot like acting, or any other kind of art. Your heart is basically on your sleeve. You can't hide your feelings--it will always come out in your dancing. And if your'e lucky, on the ice is where you'll either deal with it, or leave it. And I'm ready to do just that.

1 comment:

  1. Can I tell you how happy I am that you're doing this??
