Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Lisa is probably turning over in her would-be grave over the amount of blog rules I have broken. I have managed to steer clear of using last names, but I am positive I've broken the other rules. Lisa, as a pro-blogger manages to be funny,witty, and simultaneously vague. I, on the other hand can barely keep my mouth shut in real life, soooo it is not surprising that my blog has taken a turn for the worst. I am actually not sure what one of the rules was, but the most important one was don't get too Well, positive vague things to talk about....

Leah comes home this Sunday and I feel as though my life is about to fall back into line. Godiva....same old same old. Cranky customers, shitty hours, minimum wage. And during the day I do literally nothing. Maybe I'll get a haircut this week.I think I have a mullet right now. Dear Life, would a little positive energy/excitement be too much to ask for?Maybe a plane ticket to LA, please?

I need a vacation from all this nothing that I've been doing.....

I really feel like painting currently but I'm too lazy to move the frames and lamp off my trunk to dig out my supplies. So what this means is I'll either read or watch lame youtube videos for a while.

to check out the aforementioned, brilliant blogger that is Lisa :

Friday, June 4, 2010


What do you do when you feel yourself being so strongly in one direction, you know departure is necessary and inevitable, but all you can do is run full speed toward the opposite? I've been berated and belittled so many times I can't understand what's true anymore. I wish more than anything to be a clean slate, freed of every experience until now.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

speeding ticket.

40 in a 30.

Fuck the police.